Saturday, April 02, 2005

Photo Challenge

This week you have to try to post a photo in your blog. We already tried it on Thursday and most of you managed to do it. Let's see if you can do it at home. I've posted the photos taken in the computer room (see previous entries). Choose your own and post it!


  1. Right click on the photo and save in your C: drive (your computer hard disc) or memory stick
  2. Go to flickr ( Hello or Picasa2) and upload it
  3. Check the size and blog it!

    Once you put them in your blog, I'll delete them from this blog.

Thanks to Jessica, Rita and Grace for letting me know in their blogs that the weather was going to be fine for my picnic on the long weekend!

It was very sunny, as you can see from the photos, but later in the afternoon it became so windy that my husband was terribly cold and we had to go home. He was the only one amongst all of us (12 people) who forgot to get a jumper...

Anyway, if you want to know a very nice place for a picnic, with water vews and a view of the Harbour Bridge, go to Clarkes Point in Hunters Hill. There are BBQs with timber, tables, toilets, parking, the lot!


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